Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Animal Heroes!

Dear all,

I am sure all of you have enjoyed the story of Charlotte's Web. There are lots of stories on brave people but what about animal heroes? Here's a great article for you to read about animals who save humans.

Tails of Bravery... click here!


After reading this, discuss which animal hero story you liked the most! Leave your answers in the comments box!

As an extra, here's a picture of a whale saving a diver's life!


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Welcome to school!

Welcome back to school everyone!
Thought  I'd start this  blog with a poem from one of my favourite authors- Kenn Nesbitt.

This fantastic poem describes all the usual excuses students use to get away with not doing homework. Don't get any bright ideas though! It's all just to give you a laugh!

Happy New Year!

All My Great Excuses

A Funny School Poem for Kids
I started on my homework
but my pen ran out of ink.
My hamster ate my homework.
My computer's on the blink.

I accidentally dropped it
in the soup my mom was cooking.
My brother flushed it down the toilet
when I wasn't looking.

My mother ran my homework
through the washer and the dryer.
An airplane crashed into our house.
My homework caught on fire.

Tornadoes blew my notes away.
Volcanoes struck our town.
My notes were taken hostage
by an evil killer clown.

Some aliens abducted me.
I had a shark attack.
A pirate swiped my homework
and refused to give it back.

I worked on these excuses
so darned long my teacher said,
"I think you'll find it's easier
to do the work instead."
--Kenn Nesbitt